In principle: holidays

On January 4, 2018, our small team arrived at the small airport on Tarawa. After three days of travel, we were finally there.

When the plane was still in the air, we had flattened our noses against the windows. In the midst of the azure blue vastness of the Pacific Ocean, which we had flown over for hours from Fiji, there was suddenly some pieces of land deep down there. Circular the shape, the tiny atolls arranged themselves on the caldera of an ancient volcano. Hard to imagine that there should be space enough for the landing of the jet. But there was space and we landed noisily. The thickest heat shot through the open hatches. After we had crossed the runway on foot and finally came to the customs office, the young officers began to use their mobiles frantically. From the office of the President they received the information: “Send them all back to Fiji.” What happened?

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It begins

Das Kiribatiprojekt ist unser bislang umfangreichstes partizipatives Filmprojekt. Wir werden unseren dritten Kinolangfilmfilm gemeinsam mit den Menschen der Inseln der Republik Kiribati auf den Weg bringen. Aufgrund des Abschmelzens der Pole und des Anstieg des Meeresspiegels versalzen die Grundwasserbestände zahlreicher Atolle, schlägt das Meer heftiger als je zuvor über die Inseln und droht, sie noch in diesem Jahrhundert zu verschlingen.

Unser Pitching Video (letzter Blogeintrag vor diesem) erzählt euch von unseren Motiven, diesen Film zu machen.

Wieder gibt es kein Drehbuch, keine abzufilmende feststehende Aussage, sondern stattdessen die Suche nach den Geschichten, die wir mit den Menschen vor Ort in einer Vielzahl von Workshop gemeinsam entdecken werden.

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They do not give way to the waves

Slider_Humans of Kiribati_Vasiti Tebamare - The Hungry tide at Betio 2 20 2015

Together with Maria Kling from Film Production Kalliope (Potsdam, Babelsberg), we have been working on a new full feature film for cinema since the beginning of 2017: we call it the Kiribati project. It will be (again) a participatory film. We gave it the working title: “The do not give way to the waves.”

The film will be shot and edited together with the people of the islands of the Republic of Kiribati. Kiribati is located in the central Pacific. Due to the melting of the poles, the rising sea level threatens to flood the islands in historical short time to come. But the future of the republic is still unwritten. Not a few believe that it will inevitably sink. Others think the islands can be saved. For our film crew, Kiribati is also a symbol, a warning to the world. If we do not finally learn to treat our planet with respect, it will put us in front of unimaginable difficulties everywhere. The flood in one place is the drought in another place.

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